User whom started this thread (Screen Name/User ID):
Teru Wong (kk23wong)
Date of posting:
25 Oct 2009 

Why not Gaia Hypothesis? Enter to take a look.


What I am referring to is the situation on the Earth. If you look deeper into my hypothesis, the object so-called "GOD" in various religions is actually the Earth.

Physical differences between the Earth and the human beings inside created religions. And the God (or I shall call her -- the Conscious Earth) has simply take advantages of it. She did it by abusing the natural power to communicate with us. If the God talk to you seriously, you become a "Prophet". If it is the otherwise, you become one of those psychiatric patients.

Please, do not stop thinking about this hypothesis by judging it was right or wrong. Think of it in another way: what if the Earth is conscious and lives have hierarchies. Lives are lives in different levels.

Please, think twice. This is important to me, as to all of you whom in search for the truth.


Karpel Tunnel wrote: So, there have always been living things in the universe? I actually agree, but just wanted to see if you're onboard with the implications.

To be more accurate, my hypothesis reveals that the universe consists of lives in different levels. The universe consists of lives in different levels and the universe itself is a supreme being.

We always failed to spot the existence of the Conscious Earth, a higher level of lives in compare with humankind. We are only animals with higher intelligence and the God was actually a higher level of living organisms only. To specify, the Conscious Earth is a supreme being who manipulated our world with her invisible hands.

Think about it. A world with a hidden supreme being, and we are living inside her. If this hypothesis really implies, our world (reality) must be similar to what we have got here.

Of course, this hypothesis does not expel lives on other planets. In fact, it prefers the existence of lives in other planets.