Please be reminded that you have to read through their forum rules.
If you come across any problem, you have to contact their moderators or administrators.
I am herewith to state clearly that the site owners, administrators and moderators of the websites in the links  have no official cooperation with the administrator (Wong Ka Kit, Teru) of this website or the owner of this domain.
The links of the websites and online forums are shown in the below subpages.
The formats of the Links to various sites are as follow:
Displayed Title (Page Heading) of the Website
User whom started this thread (Screen Name/User ID):
Names are stated clearly if that particular user has been recognized. It may not be accurate.
Link (URL):
The following words "removed" will be added if the administrator find out that the link is no longer available or being removed by the administrators or moderators of that website or forum. 

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